This story appalls.
There are actually a fair amount of ignoramuses claiming that this young 15 yr old girl who was brutally stomped and beaten almost to death last month in Deerfeild beach Fla, while at her middle school, a male non-studentt sent to the young teen who very nearly killed after knocking her down and kicking her defenseless body with steel tipped boots as she lay on the ground in a semi conscious defenseless state.
The majority of the kicks were to her head face chest, any one of which could have killed her via brain injury-internal bleeding and never mind plain old blood loss. The number one area of the body that is injured during so called " intimate/domestic violence"(both dangerously broad definitions used to categorize certain types of violence against women and often misused by law enforcement the courts in the process. always to the detriment of the victim...( but that I'll address later) is the head and face region, often leaving women and girl victims with Traumatic brain injuries, AKA TBI'S which formerly were called concussions, if there was no fracture or inner bleed such as a hematoma--of which there are several kinds-depending on where the bleed is in relation to the brain ie subdural or epidural if you ll recall actress Natasha
died completely unexpectedly from just such an injury last year; consider that the insult to her brain was one single comparatively mild head impact when she fell in the snow during a begginner ski lesson(which meant it was taking place on a very gradual ski slope aka "bunny slope"
Some of you might recall that Natasha was speaking and walking normally just after she fell, even refusing the medical help that the instructor offerred which was protocal for that ski resort for any and all falls no matter how seemingly minor or the status of the client. as she felt "fine" in the minutes following the minor tumble. This is what emergency medical personell and Doctors call talking and they are most dangerous as the patient often seems perfectly lucid and verbally responsive - even chatty right after what can be a relatively innocuous seeming head bump or even a mere shaking of the head. (one does not have to have sustained a direct blow to head to receive life threatening brain damage-similar to shaken baby syndrome or in domestic violence shaken women another common practice anmong abuser,s if a person has there head merely shaken violently-as when a man grabs a woman and shakes her by the shoulders roughly causing her head to snap back and forth, this can cause serious damage and or death, The brain is like a ball of harderened jello and it is encased in our hard skull in order to proect it because itisdso vital to our survival
When someone is shaken or thier head struck into something hard like a wall or floor or like Rhianna a dashboard and windshield the brain literally bounces around inside the skull where there are bony prominances unfortunately that point inward as if very thick thorns almost; this causes several types of damage; one is the regular coup-contracoup injury, which means brain strikes the opposite side of skull that it has been struck into ie wall the floor or fist as it first strikes theone side it gets bruised called a contusion and then it bounces back and then hits the opposite side of the skull as ifin a bouce. Now the victim has two major areas of their brain that are vulnerable to at the very least damage and at the worst bleeding, the laTTER of which can quickly or slowly build up pressuere in the cranial cavity and cause death, coma and or brain damage. The last two are the lucky ones if you can fathom that.
The brain and the head are one of the most common areas of the body struck and damaged in attacks on women and girls both from men they know have dated are dating or sexual predators;As Ive ponited out many of these injuries result in death, coma, brain damage and at the very least, life changing symptoms such as: severe vertigo,(SENSATION of you or your world spinning or moving, when you/it is not) hearing loss, tinnitus, post traumatic headaches that resemble severe migraines (vascular originated) Memory problems aphasia-ie problems speaking or recalling words, tremors,
Then there are the conditions that may result immediately or take years to develop from the time of the attack or the last assault in a chronic domestic violence situation The list includes Parkinson's disease, a severe movement disorder, (think Mohammad ali the boxer and all of the many many blows to the head/face that he sustained over the years. seizures, hydrocephalus- a serious condition where-fluid builds and stays in the ventricles of the brain causing a myriad of symptoms such as severe balance problems, a shuffling gait severe memory impairment to the point where women as young as 28 have to be in nursing type homes for the remainder of their lives-The fortunate ones are able to have either temporary or usually permanent shunts installed outside the ventricles in the brain that continuouslu drain the fluid from that area down to a tube that leads to the outside of the stomach in order to lesson the symptoms which can also include severe issues with memory, learning disabilities, drastic personality changes and one of the scariest tome--dementia,
In fact there is a type of dementia that has been discovered to result years after assaults to the head or repeated years of abuse to face and head area; its actually similar to Alzheimer's disease though it can afflict young persons who have sustained head injury esp multipleones, justas easily -It is called dementia pugilistica ie (as in boxers) and it can occur from either multiple blows to the head and/or choking within an attack or years or simply months-of abuse involving the head and neck.
Choking causes anoxia- loss of blood flow to the brain and can then cause brain cells to die thereby causes similiar symptoms diseases and damage as direct blows to the head and or face. There is something called coup contracoup injury to the brain wgich sadly is also very coimmon in dimnestic violence victims as it results from the head being struck into a hard objectie like a wall a headboard windshield of car-think of Rhianna)
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