Jun 19, 2012

The GE 5K Road Race

It's that time of Year again! One of the biggest Petit Family Foundation events ever, and one of the first 
held to honor and raise monies for this great non-profit organization.

So, whether you're a runner, a walker or just looking to participate in a wonderful charity event,  follow the link below for directions and details, and come on out Saturday July 15th for a great time and an important cause!

There are heaps of  activities for both adults and children, lots of food and beverages but most of all, a buzzing energy of community outreach, positivism and faith: All kinds of folks from all over the state and a good many from beyond, all with at least one common desire; trying to make a difference and " Be The Change"

* Proceeds from the event are used by the Petit Family Foundation to help protect victims of violence, people suffering from chronic illness and other fine endeavors. The Foundation honors the memory of Jennifer Hayley and Michaela Petit carrying the legacy of thier kindness activism and faith.

Jun 15, 2012

Father’s Day & Survivor’s Guilt?

"Witnessing domestic violence can affect children’s future relationships. It can mean that they are more likely to be abusive or abused. Children who grow up in a home where abuse occurs often have trouble connecting with, trusting and engaging with an intimate partner. This can lead to a lifetime of solitude or unhappiness.

Children who witness domestic abuse sometimes internalize the situation and begin to blame themselves for what is happening. They feel that they are the cause of the violence. These children often suffer from intense depression, suicidal tendencies, high anxiety levels and sometimes even develop post traumatic stress disorder.

Some children do the opposite, though, and externalize their home life (Safe Start Center). They can become highly aggressive or unruly, lashing out and misbehaving in other aspects of their life.

Witnessing domestic violence in the home can affect children physiologically, too. The American Academy of Family Physicians reports that children who live in violent households are at a higher risk of developing stomach problems or chronic headaches. They often have trouble focusing and learning in school."

The above italicized text is an excerpt from a linked article from the National Domestic Violence Hotline Website. The NDVH is an incredible resource for both men and women and even teenagers, who may need some guidance in determining if certain behaviors that they are experiencing are in fact abuse - or could lead to abuse.

This is the kind of information that can make the difference between life and death down the line, for a young person new to the world of dating and relationships.

In the meantime, Happy Fathers day to all of you Dads.
You are each so very important in your children's healthy upbringing. Please strive to be loving, healthy male role models, not only for your own children but for every life that your life touches, be it directly or through example.

As this article points out, children see and hear much more than adults realize and they are deeply affected by even threats of abuse in thier own or other peoples households.

May your example be that a man is intolerant of abuse of any kind. And if a man should find himself enmeshed on the rink of abuse or even having having committed abuse, be courageous responsible after the fact, and get the help and counseling that is readily available for men who have issues with violence and anger control.

You will not be demonized if you seek help, this is the first step for the aggressor towards ending the cycl of abuse and violence..

Father’s Day, Survivor’s Guilt

Jun 11, 2012

Elderly woman found stabbed in Greenwich driveway

Elderly woman found stabbed in Greenwich driveway
Tragic, it simply boggles the mind and the heart.

I am wondering if it was a botched robbery or a domestic violence crime.  In either scenario it is heartbreaking when an elderlyy person is harmed,  they are the most vulnerable people in our communities and society, right on par with our children.

As individuals and a society we must truly band together to protect each other, especially those weakest in our neighborhoods and our lives in general.

Fortunately, this woman survived and she will now get the medical and  hopefully - emotional - support that she needs .

More as this sad story unfolds

News and Events at Prudence Crandall Center, Emergency Services for Domestic Violence Victims in Central Connecticut Prudence Crandall Center

The Petit Family Foundation has been very busy lately!

The Cheshire based organization has been hosting and/or involved in a flurry of events in the past three weeks every single one of them benefiting victims of violent crime,among other people in desperate need.

Considering that P.F.F is a relatively young non profit,it has been an enormous success with extremely impressive fund raising results with a flowing stream of community events that run the gamut from wine tastings and ;formal dinners to Motorcycle Rallys and modest fare such as the recent " Arts for Hearts" concert event where philanthropic minded youngsters plucked from the local talent pool, devoted their considerable musical talents for a worthy cause.

Saturday evening will bring the 7th annual Silent No more auction this year hosted by the Petit family foundation who has done considerable work for both Jane Doe no More and the Prudence Crandall Center, an organization that serves those affected by domestic and partner violence.

Within our country's current economic slump, domestic and intimate violence is at an all time high;  money woes can fuel violence in relationships already prone to abuse and may exacerbate and escalate an already simmering situation.

It is these violent relationships that many women are seeking refuge from and unfortunately, too many find themselves without proper resources needed to escape abuse save lives and rebuild those lives.

In an era where as a society we are becoming more aware that victims of violent crime need o much more than simple emergency shelter in order to truly stop the cycle,  heal and hopefully- rebuild lives and selves that are often littered with health issues stemming from the violence which they have suffered as well as very real economic issues that need to be solved for the long term,  via funds for schooling job and career training or retraining child care and of course psychological and emotional counseling that should include positive Somatic touch therapy  for Post Trauma as most victims are suffering from PTSD and many might not even be aware of this.

The bottomline is that victims of violent crime, whether it be it partner domestic or stranger - violence, all require a good deal of help from within their communities, fellow human beings and society,  if they are to  have a solid chance to recover and rebuild. This will take a renewed commitment from individuals as well as privately funded charities such as Jane Doe No more, the Prudence Crandall Center and The Petit Family Foundation. We can not expect the federal or state government to provide what is so clearly needed for healing lives.

This is where charities like the Petit Family Foundation and  all of their hard work and dedication make such a difference in so many people's lives.

Please visit their website link to find out about their mission statement their sister charities and all of the upcoming events, including the Ge 5K Race day just around the corner in mid July - your participation and/ or donations will help give hope and healing to so many.

 Silent No more Auction