The Cool Justice Report: It's Not Like The Badaracco Homicide Case Was Rigged Or Anything, Right?
A particularly apt snippet taken from Andy Thibault's article below;

A particularly apt snippet taken from Andy Thibault's article below;

"Cruz was fired as state Victim Advocate and is now in private practice. Her bosses described her as “antagonistic” and “combative.”
The Office of the Victim Advocate purports to be an independent agency, but that clearly is false advertising. The office is beholden to those it is supposed to critique, resulting in a most pernicious form of political incest."
I personally can attest to this and it's disastrous and deadly results. As well the individual office of victims advocates in every Connecticut court are underlings of the presiding prosecutors that basically run the show. This transcends frustrating for the victim - it is corruption as well a waste of money - money that is needed for the actual pursuit of Justice.