Sep 14, 2010

Dr. William Petit Takes the Stand in his families murder trial- No cross

Dr William Petit took the stand today in the second full day of court proceedings in "The state of Connecticut vs Steven Hayes" - Hayes is one of two men accused of murdering and sexually assaulting Dr Petit's wife Jennifer Hawke Petit and murdering thier two children Hayley and Michaela.

Petit was calm and composed and spoke with a soft voice throughout his testimony, although an underlying pain and angst was palpable.

In an awful twist of fate, the witness chair where Dr Petit was trequired to sit was located almost directly across from the defense seat row, with a clear view of Defendent Steven Hayes- a man whose attorney has admitted raped and murdered Petits wife, within his opening statements made yesterday.
" We will concede much... but not all....." This, Thomas Ullman state public defender for Hayes provocatively declared at the end of his relatively short opening statement.
An aside; Both opening statements were unusually short by most capital case standards. In this case, Hayes' attorneys are in an unusually bad position where their client was literally caught at the scene by Police and has an atagonistic co-defendent who is much more articulate and much more mainipula doing all he can to shift the capital murder cuplapility onto hayes-in order for him to excape the death penalty, his co defendent komisrjevsky's, only hope is to say yes I was there but hayes killed everyone not me"

On top of these already insurmountable hurdles, hayes's attorney ullmann and culligan had a client that three quateres through his pre-trial incaceration period decided that he wanted to change his original plea of not guilty at the arrignment to guilty in a change of heart hed apparntly had whilst thinking about his misdeeds and what likel;y awaited him.

Needless to say our Connecticut courts were not going to allow a guilty man to take accountability for his heinous acts of brutality and barbarism -no our system isn't designed for this sort of thing; it even has a built in mechanism whereby a defendant in a capital murder case cannot plead guilty at that early of a juncture in his/her trial! As such Hayes surprise plea change to guilty which he did in court in front of the judge was immediately overridden by his attorneys who cited that they were prepared to take any measures to prevent their client from committing state assisted suicide" as he put it so melodramatically. Is that what they're calling trying to take responsibility accountability for your criminal actions these days?

Much of William Petit's testimony was DISTURBING and grim with corresponding state evidence shown to the jury on a large projection screen.
The jury and the courtroom in attendence were shown large screen projephotos of PETIT with his head wounds and surrounded by a great deal of blood about the head area. These weree wounds that Petit sustained during the attacks and photos of his basement pole where he was tied unconscious for the most part tied hand and feet with plastic .

A lunch recess was called after Dr Petits testimoney concluded and the trial resumed an hour later as Judge Blue had ordered.

After lunch break ended and trial resumed a police officer who was one of the first to arrive at the scene , was due to give up testimony's DUE TO GIVE HIS TESTIMONY. instead the somewhat eccentric juror gave a 45 minute epilogue about the disorganization of the prosecutions evidence which he claimed were being given to the jury with nary an explanation not any particular organization, thus leading the jury to become very confused and unsure of what they were supposed to be doing with said evidence.

Mr Lively the juror in question only served to derail the proceedings and frustrated Thomas Ullmann lead attorney for the defense ,as this particular juror had been the defense sides first juror chosen within the trials very time consuming voire dire practice. Thus he was someone they thought would ve been maleable, he claimed no prioor knowledge of the case which he mentioned agaib

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