Worst of all, he went out feeling invincibile, and why no- he'd killed a girl practically in front of a nation and got away with it. He had the audacity within mere months of the crimes to seek out the United states media in a transparent attempt to throw suspicion off of himself and petulantly complain.
And soon enough, he killed again. And in a way, all of us let it happen.
This 21 year old woman, or girl really, likely suffered unimaginable terror and pain as her life energy was beaten out of her. Her skull was fractured, she bore severe bruising on her temples and face, and she was also stabbed. They say drug residue was found in a beverage she was drinking. This was the exact scenario many suspected in Natalee Holloways dissapearence when reports began coming out that she appeared uncharacteristiclly very drunk as she left the nightclub in aruba with Mr Von dersloot and friends.
Her family will of course never be the same, no murder victims family ever is. And many many many hearts are broken traversing multiple provinces and in this case once again- veritable countries mourn. As we here in the United States grieve for this crime it is made all the worse knowing that it could have been should have been stopped before it happened. But we are all too used to this.
A girl who was full of life love and promise is dead.
When are we as asociety and going to demand that violent predators who have been at least once intervened by the law, are dealt with responsibly, with the publics saftty as its primary concern. Swift justice the very first time that SOMEONE crosses the rules and laws of society regarding harming other human beings!
You know, It is difficult enough for police and authroties to accrue enough evidence to simply arrest, or in the case of lacodaisical misogynistic Aruban law-"detain" a person clearly involved in the murder or abduction of a woman or child. Few seem to understand that for every one of these predators that the police and courts manage to get thier hands on, never mind enough evidence to proceed to a prosecution, there are thousands upon thousands of predators committing violent crimes, that remain out there, untouched by the law, either shrewd enough to escape detection as was the BTK murderer Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy to name a few, or those simply thus far "lucky" and taking full advantage of overworked understaffed Police homicide and rape departments.
And then of course there are the rapists batterers child molesters abductors who waltz through our court systems having committed crimes perhaps one step short of murder but with all the indications for a propensity escalating violent crimes, and due to such ciited reasons as prison overcrowding which we here a lot about in Connecticut as reason for springing hundreds of such predators each year (we seem to have plenty of room in our prisons and jails however for thiose unfortunates arrested for little more than possession of small quantities of drugs thier only crime being addiction and the procurement of drugs to feed that usually physcial addiction. This seems especially the case for minorities who are unlucky enough to lack the solid middle class appearing families and relying on uninspired public defenders (and no not all Public defenders are uninspired nor bad lawyers-just some) these small time offenders that comprise a suprising percentage of our prison beds in Connecticut often have multiple similar non violent drug offenses on thier "records" These folks are locked up left and right every day in this and other states, while iour violent rapists, child molesters/ abductors and yes, even murderers , recieve plea bargains with reduced or zero priosn time and often suspended sentences with probation which equates to a get out of jail feree card for people who have shown the propensity for hurting other human beings. I say pluck them out of our societies the first time they committ a violent crime, if it is murder the sentence should be automaticlly a minimum of life with no parole this so that they may never again harm another human being. It really neednt be complicated It should be simple- a no brainer and yet, here in the states and clearly Aruba as well, the criminal authorities fail at it again and again and again.
I also feel strongly that Vond der sloots family is as guilty as he for both of these young women's murders. His now late father, Judge Von DER Sloot, was obviously complicit in his sons first crime, the murder of Natalee Holloway. It always seems to start at home with the same brand of parenting. Zero accountability thick thick denial and parents whose main concern is how things appear to the outside world re thier offspring, rather than being responsible parents and facing the behavioral issues that invariably show themselves early on in their criminal childs lives. Instead through often slick subterfuge they hide thier children be it adult children in thier forties or teens just begginning to show their criminal tendency stripes.
This syndrome harkens back to the 2007 Petit family HOME INVASION assaults and murders here in Cheshire Connecticut. The presumed ringleader and mastermind of these brutal rapes and murders, Joshua komisarjevsky and his reportedly "steeped in prominence family" (a quote taken from the New york times headlines shortly after the murders of Jennifer Hayley and Michaela Petit, had parents who apparently spent their sons entire criminal life bailing him out of his many many brushes with the law, propping him up, duisting him off and using thier family name to lend thier budding criminal son, credibility, which in turn allowed this clearly dangerous kid to escape culpability begginning with his very first crime- felony arson by the way, at the tender age of 14. He set an abandoned gasoline station on fire-for fun.
What should have been a major tip-off to the ridiculous Connecticut courts, arson at that age is one act of the "classic trilogy" behaviors of oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder, the childhood/teenage precursors/equivalent to full blown sociopathology This has also been referred to as a psychopath. In other words when your "a kid" you are not yet ready to be deemed a sociopath, at least not according to the diagnostic statistical manual ( DSM ) simply due to ones chronological age, not behaviors or qualities that they are exhibiting nor the clarity of the psychiatric profile.
Instead The psychiatric community will diagnose a child or teen with conduct disorder and/or oppositional defiant disorder but this almost always, always results in an adult sociopath,with the rare exception. Sociopaths are considered un treatable for all intents and purposes, in fact its well known that they will often use therapy, in its traditional forms either child teen or adult sociopaths, as yet another person and place to be manipulated with the aim being to either throw the therapist off the track or to say all the "right things" to Convey false contrition or to play up the notion of themselves as victims"
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