Elizabeth Ollero, a close Friend and schoolmate of Michaela Petit has formed a special M.S walk group in Michaela memory, to raise money in this Sunday's National MS Society's Walk- a thon being held in Litchfield Connecticut.
ELiz's group will walk in honor of Michaela, Jennifer and Haley Petit who were killed in a home invasion just this past July. As many in the community of Cheshire know, the Petit family was very involved with MS charity work, including Mrs Petit who struggled with the disease for the last eight years of her life.
Once made aware of the debilatating effects of this disease, the Petit's young daughters took up the cause in hopes of helping to find a cure for Multiple sclerosis.
It appears that ELizabeth has just met her orignial goal for sponsorship for her walk group. however she is still continuing to take new pledges as well as welcoming any willing and able walk volunteers for her team.; Please visit her Walk a thon site via the link above and follow the links on how become involved. This cause was EXTREMELY important to the Petit family, and as such, its a great way to honor their memory as well as continue to spread thier spirit of activism and kindness.
Thank you in advance for making even the smallest donation or pledge, every little bit helps this important fundations work. MS is an intractable often debilatating auto immune disease that targets the neurological system. Men can get MS, yet it favors mostly women and in their third and fourth decades of life. Most worrisome is that The nunber of people stricken with the disease seems to be growing exponetially with every year. There are a number of treatments available to abate excarbations or flare ups, but as of yet no cure exists.
. For information regarding Elizabeth's website that honors the memory of her life long friend Michaela Petit, Please click on the "Forever Michaela" link on the right sidebar of this site...
National MS Society - Walk Event:
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