Jul 29, 2014

NCADV launching Web Site that will streamline assistance for intimate Dating and Domestic Violence victims

First National, Online Searchable Domestic Violence Provider Database Set to Launch
Millions of abuse victims to find help faster, better than before.
The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) and Theresa's Fund, an Arizona-based private family foundation, have formed a partnership to launch domesticshelters.org, a new website that will provide abuse victims, their friends and family, and agencies, with the most comprehensive, searchable database housing more than 300,000 data points on more than 3,000 domestic violence shelters, agencies and programs in the U.S.
"Theresa's Fund brought it to our attention that more than 3,000,000 searches are conducted per month - according to Google - for information related to domestic violence, and most often related to seeking help," said Sylvia Torralba, membership director for NCADV. "Yet, there isn't a single, unified online and mobile resource that makes finding help as quick as a click."
The new website will change that reality, giving consumers the ability to input their location, service needs, and language preference, and immediately, and at no cost, be presented with the nearest, most appropriate shelters, programs and agencies.
The website will be optimized for smartphone and tablet use, recognizing that consumers are increasingly using their devices to conduct searches. Indeed, the number of local mobile searches is expected to exceed desktop searches by 2015, according to eMarketer.
"When we originally developed the idea for domesticshelters.org, we heard that all the information anyone would need is already online. But that doesn't make it easy to use," added Chris McMurry, a marketing and technology entrepreneur and director of Theresa's Fund, who also noted that a large number of domestic violence providers lack on online presence altogether. "We're consolidating a sea of disparate data into one database, supplementing it with information that's not available online, and making it remarkably easy to access and use."
The searchable online and mobile data-driven resource will go live this summer. It is believed to be the largest repository of data on U.S. domestic violence providers ever established. Generally speaking, there will be contact information excepting confidential locations, markets served, languages spoken, vacancy rates, and great detail on services offered.
Importantly, provider organizations will be able to self-administer their organization's profile on the website, updating fundamental information as it evolves and adding custom content to enhance the comprehensiveness and attractiveness of their operation and offerings.
The Avon Foundation for Women will support the project through its Speak Out Against Domestic Violence initiative designed to build awareness, educate, and improve prevention and direct service programs. The Avon Foundation has been improving the lives of women since 1955. Avon's global philanthropy has raised and donated more than $910 million worldwide, including nearly $38 million for the domestic violence cause through the end of 2013.
"Given the volume of searches being conducted - some 36,000,000 million a year in just the U.S. - this is an overdue and much-needed concept that may help more people than any other service ever offered in this space, and may help save lives because it will be so easy, accessible and fast to use," added Torralba, whose organization had been maintaining a print directory of services since 1981 as one of the leading voices in the domestic violence field.
Theresa's Fund and NCADV came together almost inadvertently. The private foundation originated the domesticshelters.org concept in late 2013 and had begun contacting hundreds of provider organizations to create its database. As word spread, the two organizations crossed paths to forge a relationship that both believe increases their collective impact.
"We really owe our coming together to the people who run the shelters, programs, and agencies. They are the ones who knew about NCADV's mission and services, and observed the good work Theresa's Fund was undertaking. They put two and two together," said McMurry.
The website will also publish and supply helpful information about domestic violence, in addition to the provider database. Providers will be able to gain access to the entire database behind the website in order to better coordinate inter-agency referrals and services.
The survivor led and survivor focused National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) has worked for more than thirty-five years to end violence against women by raising awareness and educating the public about the effects of domestic abuse. Our work includes developing and sustaining ground-breaking public policy at the national level aimed at ending violence; assisting the 2,000+ urban and rural shelters and programs at the local, state, and regional levels of the nation in the programming they offer to victims seeking safety and assistance; and offering programming that empowers and supports the long-term health and safety of victims of domestic violence. Currently, our constituency encompasses more than 80,000 programs, survivors, advocates, and allied individuals and is growing daily.  Learn more about us at: www.ncadv.org.
About Theresa's Fund
Theresa's Fund is a private family foundation started in 1992 by Preston V. McMurry, Jr. that has helped to change the landscape of domestic violence services in Arizona through grant making, board development, and fundraising that has helped to generate more than $49 million in donations for Arizona-based organizations such as East Valley Child Crisis Center, Sojourner Center, Florence Crittenden, Emerge, UMOM, and West Valley Child Crisis Center. It developed the domesticshelters.org concept as a way to expand its reach to people across the U.S.
Please donate your time and or money to this life and death Social issue. Awareness and prevention are key as well is involvement---NOT BEING AFRAID TO REPORT SUSPECTED ABUSE AND INTERVENE VIA THE LAW this whether the victim is ready for help or not.
Too often a woman - or even a man will needlessly die because she was caught up in the cycle of artner violence. Please read Lenore walkers Books and check out her website. This cycle which many policeman and prosecutors still archaically embrace ie that the victim must "either like it or its usesless to hand out stiff sentences especially when a woman is winds up taking back her testimony against her attacker.
When you read how these abusers and former abusers whom Lenore walker has interviewed explain unabashedly to her that they actual antenna's for choosing "good victims" women who are naïve or particularly submissive and kind even recognizing that girls (and yes this is happening to our teens at younger and younger ages) that have issues with their fathers or have absent fathers or neglectful fathers many and abuser has bragged that these girls and women are the easiest to " break down"
The message is this: we cannot afford to be complacent nor apathetic about dating violence or any kind of abuse whether its in ts infantile stages of emotional abuse when the testing usually begins ie a push  a punch of a wall above the woman's head which in effect says this could be YOU.  There are a good deal of private websites written by survivors of sociopaths and or narcicists which are also well worth reading.
 I myself began to heal as I finally understood that I wasn't alone and that my assailant was no more than a textbook psychopath also known as sociopath. There is a  very specific set of behaviors and criteria for personality disorders and you will find them everywhere online - once you understand what you are dealing with and that this isn't Love that extreme controlling behavior is a classic signpost that things will so be escalating to physical attacks and quite possibly maimng or death -  then perhaps some victims can be saved. Its is not easy as they've often be isolated and led to believe that no one will love them like the abuser et al and of course thehoneymoon phase following either an outburst of severe anger or an actual assault this too is al part of the plan - the abuser is merely reeling you back in and hell often stay on his best behavior be extremely loving and devoted for a time and then ... it happens again.