Oct 29, 2009

Nancy has her smile back - Overcoming Battered Lives

This is a really good program for victims of abuse who have damage to their teeth as a result of partner violence-" http://www.aacd.com/index.php?module=cms&page=34
Its a group of dentists oral surgeons and endodontists who all work pro-bono on victims of abuse whose dental health has been greatly impaired by that abuse.

Considering that many battered women are struck in the face/head and neck regions,( studies suggest 78 percent or so) this is very common area to sustain often permanent damage.
The broken and missing teeth that can result from physical abuse only serves to carry that abuse forward into all areas of that victims life-starting with her already flagging self esteem.
For women to make the already daunting step from victim to survivor, once they are extricated from their abuser, requires rebuilding that terribly damaged self esteem - This is made especially difficult when glaring evidence of the former abuse is staring her in the face each time she looks in the mirror, or sees someone react to her smile, which may be unsightly due to the seleleque of assaults upon her..

The bottom line is that victims of abuse need all the help they can get in order to begin the process of rebuilding their lives. Please support this program in your area-visit the site, donate what you can and if times are too tough financially, see if you can donate your time or services to this or any other program that supports victims of partner violence.
You will help make a positive difference in someones future and there is nothing more rewarding.

Overcoming Battered Lives

A story about a woman who survived an assault by a man that she'd dated years prior. She became paralyzed by the attack and is now in need of van that accomodates an electric wheelchair.

Man Charged With Tracking Ex With Cellphone -- Courant.com

There always plenty of domestic violence cases but it seems that this month, which happens to be domestic violence awareness month-has seen more than its usual share.

Check out the Courant blog via the above link for many good articles, stories and referrals regarding partner/ dating violence. Above all, talk about it- this needn't be a dirty shameful secret; this is what has helped DV to prosper all of these years, keeping it in the dark exactly where abusers prefer to keep it.

Study: Most States Fail To Protect The Legal Rights Of Abused Children

Looks like Connecticut did very well insofar as protecting at risk children - have a read.

Oct 26, 2009

WTIC News/Talk 1080 - Cheshire Residents Debate Blocking Petit Book from Library

And the good fight continues...
Please sign the linked petition to boycott this "book" that was written in direct violation of a gag order. www.petitiononline.com/cfg415/ See previous posts beginning in September archives for the complete story surrounding the book. Help us take a stand.

Oct 15, 2009

Happy 20th Birthday Hayley Petit

Today is Hayley Petit's birthday. Hayley would be celebrating her twentieth birthday today with friends and family had she not been murdered by two men who made a life-long pattern of taking from others that which did not belong to them.
On this occasion they stole life - three beautiful lives. And although the Petit family victims were all attractive, I am speaking here of something far more enduring and important, their inner lives, a beauty of spirit.

Two and a half years have passed since Hayley, her mom Jennifer and her sister Michaela, were murdered in what has been labeled as a "home invasion", a misnomer as far as I am concerned. The two men caught fleeing the murder scene in the Petit family car, sit in prison awaiting a trial which has yet to be scheduled.

When lone survivor and grieving husband and father Bill Petit, vocalized his dismay over the plodding pace of the Connecticut judicial system, he was admonished by the presiding Judge at the time, " honorable" Judge Damiani, and rather rudely assured that two plus years was well within the normal parameters for a capital murder case in this state, thank you very much.

In fact, the judge expounded, he was personally offended by the mere proposition that the Judicial process was taking far too long. It was an "insult to him and his court"

When I heard Damiani's words, I was livid - for Dr Petit, his families and for all victims of violent crime in the state of Connecticut. This state needs an overhaul in how it views and subsequently handles its violent crime and criminals. And Judge Damiani's words perfectly illustrate a huge part of the problem and that is: desensitization that has led to a perversion of the very notion and definition of justice.

In an overzealous effort to protect the accused criminals rights, our courts have shown a directly proportional increasing lack of rights begginning with sensitivity and respect towards the victims of these brutal and violent crimes.

As the lone survivor of his family's massacre, Bill Petit is a double victim.
People tend to forget that this man was repeatedly beaten on the head with a baseball bat, suffering traumatic brain injury, life threatening blood loss enduring vertigo headaches and what surely must be severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder- all due to the commission of these crimes.

He survived only because in an adrenalin surge, he somehow managed to break free of the rope tying his hands to a pole in his cellar and hop up the cellar's bilco stairs (with his feet still bound) then half crawling, rolling to a neighbors arriving just before his house burst into a gas fueled flames, with his children tied to their beds inside.

He suffered and lived through this by sheer will and happenstance, and he is further victimized by the same mechanism by which any and all family members of violent crime victims are; they become victims themselves via the sheer knowledge of the details and the violence that befell their loved ones,. Family members are traumatized.

And as details about the crimes emerge friends and family are re-traumatized, which is why many family members of homicide victims feel the need to know everything that they can about their loved ones murders before the trial. This, so that they feel "prepared" emotionally prior to any court proceedings where details are likely to be discussed ad nauseum.

What is ironic here is that it is the victims after all for whom the state is presumably working it is for them that justice is pursued. Are they not the very embodiment of the crimes, the charges that the state is pursuing against the accused? I'm afraid that this notion has become moot as our courts have slowly but surely turned into little more than administrative processing pits.

We owe it to Hayley Jennifer Michaela and every victim of violent crime in this state to see that this changes.

'You must be the change that you wish to see in this world"
Eleven year old Michaela Petit's favorite quote on her Facebook page

Lawyers File Subpoena On Jailhouse Meetings -- Courant.com

Oct 4, 2009

Boycott Book co-written by murderer of Petit Family Mom and two daughters

I've written a few posts recently concerning a book that was just released in Major book stores and Amazon, that is about the tragic Petit family murders which happened 2 years ago here in Cheshire Connecticut.
The book is in a word - evil - and I'm not one to bandy that word about this is true evil folks.
Look, its bad enough that money is made from the sensationalizing of horrible details of sexual assaults and murders, particularly when it involves children -But I grudgingly suppose that is part of the price that we collectively pay for freedom of speech and this includes the written word - here in our country again I stress grudgingly. However this book transcends mere bad taste, ugliness and moral turpitude all of which it does entail.... Moreover, neither of the two men accused of murderering Mrs Petit and her two young daughters have been tried yet! In fact jury selection has not even begun for the first scheduled trial of Steven Hayes, a fact not overlooked by those of us who see all of the possible manipulative reasoning for the existance of this book as well the timing of the book. ie it is released well before the
And then theres that pesky issue of the Court imposed Gag order that was carefully and clearly written with much consideration and aforethought by the presiding Judge at the time Judge d prohibiting all parties related to the crimes, including the defendents" as well the Petit and Hawke families, from speaking about the crimes themselves or legal details concerning the case. All of the above treatise were violated by co defendent and apparently co-author-joshua komsiatrjevsky, albeit said co-author of a poorly written terribly edited, opportunistic crap-posing as a "book"

Although technically written by Brian Mcdonald large segments are based on face to face prison meetings and correspondence with one of the two men that murdered Jennifer, Hayley and Michaela Petit. In fact large segments of the book are from komisrajevskys narraitive including the opening "scene"

I need to start with this very clear disclaimer; I have not purchased this book, nor will I, nor have I read it in full, as well I implore all conscientious and morally sound folks, do not buy this book under any circumstances. It has been made from the suffering and the crys of its victims, victims that include an eleven year old child Michaela Rose Petit.

I have read enough of the book via the many excerpts that are being posted within newspaper articles, Blogs, internet media outlets and the author's website which I admittedly visitied in hopes of gleaning some insight into the person who could write such a book at such a terribly raw and still very painful time-for both the surviving Crime victim Bill Petit, his families and the community and state at large.

Having written about the Petit family crimes from the terrible day that they happened , I felt that I needed to have at least a general idea of what was being said in this book by the co- murderer and indeed mastermind by his own admission- joshua komsiarjevsky. This, in order to get a handle on how this
could affect the potential jury pool and ultimately the trial itself.

I am asking the public and not limted to the state of Connectricut- to stand up and boycott this book, in much the same way that the Orentahal J Simpson book was boycotted. 9 I refuse to refer to him by those by now infamous intials that were once an endearing nicvkname when the man was known only a good athelete and later, a bad actor. I believe to continue reffering to this womanbatterer and murderer by this nickname is an insult to Nicole Brown Simposn Ronald Goldman and all of their bereaved loved ones

In any event in the Simpson book case, the people rose up and in effect said 'NO! NO WAY is this GUY GOING TO PEDDLE A BOOK DESIGNED TO TIttalate THE READER stopping one step short of admission---ABOUT TWO BRUTAL SADISTIC MURDERS THAT THE ENTIRE COUNTRY KNOWS HE COMMITTED AND SUBSEQUENTLY GOT AWAY WITH. The mere premise of that book was despicable and the american public and even the media-largely as a result of the outcry..

There was such a strong response from the public, that the publisher did the wise thing (and whether it was merely covering their butts or a sudden attack of conscience ahem) they stopped publication and distribution of millions of hard cover Books, many already bound Packed up and poised to shp out to Bookstores accorss the world. As well A WELL KNOWN TV station cancelled a highly touted interview with the killer/ "writer" , well hyped and shamelessly promoted at that Juncture.

Of course these companies never should have contracted the project in the first place but at least they responded to the public outrage. Remember, companies are comprised of human beings-they are not entities without human characteristics, despite what corporate america is often depicted as.

I remember feeling proud the day that I heard this book was not going to be sold, albeit a bit surprised- surprised that decency and integrity actually won out over greed and public titillation.

While the situation surrounding the Simpson book is similar to the recently released Cheshire book, there are some key differences which make the latter even worse; In the case of the OJ book-the case was long resolved by the time the book came out., although the criminal resolution was a veritable travesty and the not guilty verdict disturbed many many people. We all knew that this man killed his ex wife and essentially got away with it. He is a sociopath and as such, he played the oh so carefully selected jury, he used them and got what he wanted from them; near absolution for the murder of two human beings, one of them the mother of his children.

In the simpson case the not guilty verdict compounded amd excacerbated the public's irel It was bad enough that he got away with murder but now he was rubbing our collective faces in it, including the victims families- not to mention the killer stood poised to make a lot of money by titillating the masses with a half assed confession or murder.
The Bottomline- the American public had its Limits after all and we collectively said so via the successful boycotting of the book- the publisher and any related media outlets. .

In the case of the book about the Petit murders, the most essential fact is that the case hasn't gone to trial yet and the book is violating a court ordered gag on the case.
It has been over two years since these murders occurred and with two co-defendants to try, neither has a set trial date nor even a tentative date for jury selection to begin. Unfortunately this is typical of the state of Connecticut's tortoise- paced judicial system.
Almost immediately after the arraignment for these two "defendents", the presiding judge put the gag order on the Petit case. Warrants were heavily redacted before being released to the press via the freedom of information act.
A Confession from one of the killers (THE very same who co authored the book in question) were completely whited out and all parties involved with the case including the sole survivor, Dr Bill Petit, were ordered not to talk about the details of the case with anyone. Everyone complied, as difficult as it was at times, partcularly for the survivor and the families, who I am certain wanted to shout from the rooftops 'look what these bastards did to my loved ones!'
But they didn't. Ironically, this gag order and the many steps taken to redact information from the media, were done largely to protect the rights of the defendants in the case, who by the way have plead NOT Guilty. Novody wanted a reason for a mistrial or a to provide

Two years with scattered hearings of little consequence pass by and out of seemingly no where we are told that a book is coming out about the crimes and it is written from the standpoint of one of the killers! Not just one of the killers mind you, but the same killer presumed to be the instigator-of the crimes, the leader if you will:
Twenty eight year old Joshua komisarjevsky of Cheshire, broke the gag order and Apparently penned voluminous letters to and met with-brian macdonald, a writer, on multiple occasions, for the specific purpose of recounting his version of the crimes against the Petit family for a new book --- Until Connecticut Dept of Corrections "caught him" and reportedly removed the writers name from komisarjevskys visiting list.

At the same time we are told that all of komisarjevskys visitors were stricken from the list with the exception of his layers presumably as punishment- This included the inmates family, which the Mcdonald, the writer in question states he"' guesses was " partly his fault" Why this matters at all is this: at that EXACT juncture, komisarjvskys lawyers JEREMIAH Donovan knew, They knew that their client met with a writer and that he'd been caught basically relaying details of the crimes-or at least a version that he and likely they, wanted to stand as unrefuted fact-
which now thanks to everyone involved with this book, it will to thousands of unsuspecting readers. The book reads as if the crimes happened this way and even goes as far as narrating from both murderers minds and not surprisingly Komisarjevsky tells the tale in such a way that he did not kill anyone- his accomplice was the killer even when evidence points to the contrary.

We are not told at the outset of the book look this is what one of the defendants said and one must take it with a grain of salt, because he is after all waiting to go to trial for these very crimes, and indeed has been a notorious liar and manipulator, not to mention his lawyers have been fighting tooth and nail to get him a life sentence, instead of the death penalty, which he clearly is afraid of.

This means that his lawyers will have to prove that he wasn't guilty of capital murder "only" felony murder -And wouldn't you know it, that's exactly how HIS VERSION OF THE CRIMES pan out He "didn't kill anyone" or so he contends.

Here's the thing decency aside, from a legal criminal standpoint This book should have been allowed to be written not certainly published. The writer shrugs and says hey I didn't know when it would be published, I just wrote it and the publisher chooses when to publish. I did my job." he met with the guy surreptitiously- he were aware that there was a gag order on the case. He recently stated that there is so much publicity about the case that the book wouldn't matter and That" the story needs to be told." It needs to be told"

He adds that he is doing a public service in effect by telling a cautionary tale insofar as the importance of crime and security in our homes, and what not to do because after all look who could be out there. Or words to that effect.

The book is beyond offensive, Komisarjevsky shares details that he almost seems to have to catch himself lest he gets giddy about them. He starts out with the motive of re-working the events of the crimes to reflect less involvement ( and thus culpability )with the actual murders, shifting all capital crime upon his co accomplice Steven Hayes. Even the details that he does share about his involvement, which at first might seem foolish for him to admit to- are subterfuge. They are facts that the police already know about, and some have been culled from his lengthy confession to police after he was caught fleeing the Petit home in the Petit family car.
He cites details about the victims and their reactions to the crimes which are heartbreaking. He has in effect re- traumatized all of us who have simply heard about those details via the news stations and the many online articles. No doubt the family has caught wind of some of these details. No one had to read the book- as the media grabbed the story and ran with the most coarse and cruel bits of information gleaned from the book. Many online newspapers used them as titles to their pieces hoping to draw in as many potential readers with overt sensational that bordered on Giddiness. And they all did exactly what komisarjevsky planned; they did a huge service to him and his case as they helped propel his version of these crimes through the world wide web and as they traveled they were magically transformed into "facts" .

Today I read that the author Brian Mcdonald is trying to encourage parallels between himself and Truman Capote IE In Cold Blood. Suffice to say this is ludicrous; Mcdonalds writing is awful It's sophomoric and pedestrian at best. I don't need to read more than a handful of excerpts in order to know this man cannot write. This is undoubtedly why chooses sensationalistic voyeuristic subject matter for his books, he can rely on the draw of true life sexual crime to sell his book- his writing is certainly not going to.

At the moment this book is being sold at AMAZON, BORDERS and BARNES AND NOBEL, among others. The very first thing that we can do as compassionate and responsible human beings is to not buy the book as well tell our Friends and loved ones to refrain from doing so.
Anyone who buys the book is lining the pockets of some very bad people, they are also helping a killer to perhaps avoid accountability for his part in three murders. no to mention giving him a voice and much desired attention. One of the hallmark of sociopathic personna is that they crave attention and need to stand out somehow. They also lack conscience, but they are usually cunning enough to .feign one if it will serve them.

Any buyers of the book would also be perpetuating a terrible pain to the families of the victims involved and Dr Petit himself, the sole survivor of this mans carnage. There is karmic turnabout for this kind of thing.

We can take this one step further amd assist in boycotting the book; let your voice be heard to the distributors and publishers. Unfortunately the book which is in paperback, has already gone to print and sold many copies. The goal now is to stop any more books from being published and sold.

The publishing contact information can be found below as well as the Appropriate contact information for Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
Please take the time to write and/or call these distributors as well as the publisher themselves. Tell them how you feel about a man who murdered three people whos not been tried yet, being allowed to violate a gag order, write a book that brags of horrendous details of rapes assaults and murders. And now sits on thier shelves or

published by their publishing house or
sold in their stores.
Ask them how they might feel if this were their family, their children This question is pivotal and needs to be answered.


'In the Middle of The night"
Brian Mcdonald
... Read More
Amazon.com DIRECT Telephone

or write:
Amazon.com Headquarters
1200 12th Ave Ste 1200
Seattle, WA 98144
Phone : 206-266-1000
Fax : 206-622-2405
Telephone number for the Media department is 206-266-7180
open Monday

Macmillan (PUBLISHER)
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010

Note; ***The St. Martin Division published the book ****
St. Martin's Press; Publicity Department
175 5th Avenue NY, NY 10010
Fax: 212-674-6132

Ellen Fitzsimons Administrative Assistant Small Press Dept.


Phone calls and letters are very helpful
Thank you.

Oct 3, 2009

Sage Opinion Piece Regarding The Petit Crimes

I found the two noteworthy Op-Ed pieces regarding the Petit family murders the one found in Thursdays Connecticut Post-linked at this Posts title header is particularly sage. The writer is most astute, as she expounds on the fact that these crimes had little to nothing to do with robbery nor should they be labeled home invasion:

This was a set of crimes that revolved around violence control and dominance primarily against women-and a girl entering puberty as well as her teen aged sister. Joshua Komisarjevskys attraction to 11 year old Michaela Petit began at an area supermarket; he had spotted pretty shy Michaela Petit earlier that summer evening whilst Michaela was shopping with her mom at an area supermarket

In Joshua komisarjevsky confessions to The Cheshire Police he admitted to spotting the Attractive Mrs Petit and her eleven year old daughter Michaela in the store parking lot, where he made his clandestine appraisal and proceeded to follow them home. They were driving in a Chrysler Pacifica and as Cheshire Connecticut was a upper middle class community, this was among the rows of BMW's,  Lexus's etc, a moderately priced car. It certainly did not scream money, nor did the Petit's relatively modest raised ranch home, where KOMISARJEVSKY the experienced stalker/ thief followed the unsuspecting pair, several miles from the supermarket where they shopped.

As a professional thief who had a lifelong habit of breaking into homes only at night when the homeowners were home sleeping (the opposite rule of standard theory- thus pointing to other issues littering this career criminals mind) he made a cursory examination of the house, its points of entry and drove off undetected. According to sources Steven Hayes met up with komisarjevsky at some point that evening.

They hatched their plan which I am certain revolved around the sexual assaults ie control/power of the attractive Mrs Petit and her 11 year old daughter Michaela-

Komisarjevsky and Hayes met in a halfway house during their final stints serving drastically shortened sentences, care of The Connecticut Parole Board, who, despite the fact that each man had thus far accrued over 25 felony convictions each within their lifetimes, made the ill advised decisions to award them both with early release parole, a decision that in effect sealed the Petit family's fate. Komisrajevsky resumed his lifelong habit of robbing houses with homeowners sleeping upstairs, the very night that his correction dept tracking anklet was removed. This time however he had a  pal with him as his intentions were different. He needed a second man in order to tale control of a house filled with females--and likely at least one male head of household.
partner,-Jennifer Petit was sexually assaulted by Steven Hayes and 11 year old Michaela was sexually assaulted by Joshua Komisrajevsky, komisarjevsky actually took nude photos of the little girl tied up in compromised positions At the age of 28 he had a history of involvement with very young girls, in fact impregnating a fifteen yr old girl when he was 25 years of age himself. If only he had been charged with statutory rape at that time he would have had a record as a sex offender and by the time he'd committed the last slew of robberies that landed him in prison -he likely would have received a stiffer sentence than the nine years the judge gave him. But those nine years magically turned into three, with komisarjevsky out of prison itself and into a halfway house in less than two years!

From this retrospective vantage point it is safe to say that the sexual assaults, not robbery, were the actual motive for the entire nights crime spree and subsequent carnage. Once again it comes down to violence against women: As many people know, rape is not about sex, but about dominance control and power, which in my opinion is what lies behind these crimes.

There is usually at least one sociopath within a pair of murderer/rapists like these two men, and its safe to say that komisrarjevsky is the more intelligent and manipulative of the two men, but it appears as if Steven Hayes was at the very least a sexual sadist and possibly a sociopath himself who had misogynistic tendencies who likely shared a hatred of what both men saw as wealth, privilege and/or affluence- qualities and ways of life that as felons with extensive criminal records, they figured themselves on the outside looking in.

As the link above suggests, do not be fooled by the 15,000 extorted from Jennifer Hawke Petit, as this was truly incidental to this crime-icing on the cake if you will excuse such an awful metaphor. And as is always the case there were signs of a sexual criminal in the making in both Hayes and Komisrajevskys criminal development. Hayes was forever frequenting prostitutes and had had serious weapons charges dropped within the multiple plea bargains he'd received within the normal course of things down at the various area courthouses where each of his dozens of crimes were heard.

 I am certain if one were to dig just a little bit there would be other women whom he had sexually assaulted date raped or attempted such with. The fact that he relied heavily on prostitutes for his sexual and companionship needs, as well as being known as a "pervert" shows a severe dysfunction in relating to women in a healthy fashion.

Komsiarejevsky gave the system a plethora of warning signs re his development as a predator:
he was found to be stealing underwear and lingerie from teen aged girls he'd become infatuated with to the point of making the girls life's miserable, stalking them hiding in trees and watching them through windows- this As reported by a Cheshire policeman began when komisarjevsky was 15 .

Later on there were trophy's taken from homes that he was now breaking into on a regular basis, mostly for the "rush" as he typically took very small items of little value but bragged to his then girlfriend and now mother of his small daughter, that he could not get off, if the house was empty. This speaks loudly of a sexual predator not a true thief. In fact he usually stole small items of limited value His trophies did include however photos of some of the women that lived in the houses that he robbed, as well as articles of clothing that belonged to them.

Many of the sign posts of sociopathology were quite overt by the time Komsiarjevsky was arrested for his first set of serious felonies which involved a total of 20 houses he'd broken into.-Yet nobody, including the dept of corrections acted responsibly with this information.

In fact the state of Connecticut gave him a veritable break upon break setting him loose after merely a third of a sentence that his last judge clearly meant to be a strict 9 year stint, Recognizing Komisarjevskys predator like criminal behavior and the unique danger he posed to the people of Connecticut-this as per his admitted need for a "rush" only choosing to break into homes that were occupied at the time and this after stalking his victims from trees and such with night vision goggles and toting a knife presumably brought to cut screens, though possibly to be used for other purposes if the need arose or an opportunity presented.

Who knows how long Komisarjevsky was fantasizing about raping the women and.or children in the homes that he was breaking into compulsively? We do know that many many signposts were ignored by his family, the court system, the dept of corrections and the parole board.

Hayes had a sizable criminal history as well, although it appeared to be that he was less organized in his robberies and assorted other crime,s many of which seemed to revolve around drugs; He was supposedly a crack addict at one time, although often drug addiction is used by offenders as fasle motives for crimes in an attempt to get lighter sentences and or drug rehab for first and second time offenders.

Interestingly, and important to note is that Neither man had any drugs in their systems on the night of the Petit murders. This might be because they had both been towing the line with their parole officers, knowing that regular drug testing mandatory with parolees in Connecticut. Both men had full time jobs as was also part of their parole requirements. Komisarjevsky in fact called his roofing employer from the Petit household in the early hours of the crimes, explaining that he wouldn't be coming into work, using the excuse that his then 2 year old daughter was "sick"

This image sickens me to no end. That this reprobate took time out of his busy morning ransacking a house, beating a father of two with a bat and sexually assaulting an 11 year old who he knew Hayes and he were going to kill along with the rest of this family. To calmly call his boss, making certain to keep his job and perhaps keep up appearances for the Parole board who required full time employment is a telling sign of utter detachment and calm while the gasoline was already purchased and the plan had been made to kill the family once the money was procured. Komisarjebslys DNA was everywhere in that home and especially in MIhcale's room and her little body.  As felon's both men had thier DNA on file, this was now additng up to a life sentence for the rape and kidnapping of a child, nebver mind the beating hed given the doctor father with a bat. For all he knew the man might die. No, theyd decided by the time they had Jennifer Petit untied long enough to call DrPetits office to tell him that he was ill and would be late"

The cell phone call would only give proof of his exact whereabouts at the time of the crimes due to the existence of cell phone towers this unless he used a throw-away phone with prepaid minutes. This simply astounds and disgusts me. Classic sociopath behavior-Zero conscience, with completely narcissistic motivation.

What happened here seems clear to me; these two men met at this halfway house, got to know each other a bit swapped some crime stories and broached the subject of their shared interest- tying up females rendering them helpless and at their mercy and raping them-- women and teens from affluent homes were probably seen as prize victims to these men as they both had deep senses of inferiority and likely hated what they perceived as the "other side". A life that they believed they would never live. They therefore struck a pact to own these people for at least the night and then destroy them at their will.

William Petit was attacked and beaten as he lay sleeping in his lightly lit sun room, where he'd fallen off reading as was often his habit. The men later admitted to clearly seeing Petit through a window as they first stalked the house at 3 am that morning. This puts an end to the whole accidental stumbling upon Dr Petit while just planning on robbing the house idea that was widely being speculated and indeed circulated as fact for months after the crimes occurred.

The men purposely with aforethought set about eliminating the biggest threat of the household Dr Petit who at 6 3 was a fairly imposing man albeit in a completely vulnerable somnolent state when the men attacked him with a baseball bat to his head-" I hit him as hard as I could as if chopping wood at least 10 times, komisarjevsky would later recount for author Brian McDonald, who rather sleazily encouraged komisarjevsky to break a court imposed gag order on the case that was in place at the time, in order to interview him for what turned out to be a hastily and poorly written paperback that managed to be published and distributed before anyone could stop it.

The book was based upon letters McDonald had exchanged with accused Petit family rapist/murderer and later, actual interviews, which McDonald somehow managed to procure, despite heavy security measures this he did purportedly by posing as an attorney with the corrections dept Guards and checkpoint employees. Once it was? discovered that he was a writer, his name was taken off komisarjevsksys visitor list and the Jig was officially up.

But not in time to prevent a book that was for all intents and purposes co-written by one of the killers of the Petit family in a transparent attempt to get his "version" of the crimes widely circulated to the public in order to influence the potential jury pool and play down his involvement with the capital murder charges(Which carry the death penalty) This via bookstore shelves amazon and even the local Cheshire library, the head of whom decided, despite angry protests from hoards of townspeople and Connecticut citizens alike enraged at the prospect of this Book being for sale let alone stocked in the very town's library where this family resided and died violently.

Despite reams of Petitions from enraged and disgusted town members the Cheshire library continued to cite the first amendment as its reason for choosing to stock this illegal (IE gag order broken) poorly written and obvious attempt by komisarjevsky to try to inject his version of the crimes which naturally shifted blame for the capital crimes to Hayes and gain sympathy from the prospective jury pool ; The book clearly tried desperately to humanize him, regaling the reader with a history of "childhood molestation" which among other things were elaborated upon by the author of Joshua's "surprising likable and soft spoken nature"

 That very same manipulative nature and boyish countenence convinced Jennifer Hawke Petit that he wouldn't hurt her or her girls, as long as she got the men the money that they asked for, and did not call the Police.  Tragically she was mistaken, led down that path by the smooth talking fresh faced younger man who did all the talking..

An Oasis in the Middle of a Difficult Time...

In the middle of all the recent ugliness and pain caused by the recent publication of a book that was co-written by one of the men that killed Jennifer, Hayley and Michaela Petit, I thought to visit one of the good things that have sprung from this terrible tragedy.

This video made me cry when I first saw it last year, as did the very first plain photos of the heart shaped plot in its naked bare form, prior to any plantings, soil lovingly tilled unearthed and waiting expectantly

I could see and feel the care and love in that tilled expanse of earth where the Petit home once stood. And as the flowers and the plants began to fill the heart shaped patch, I saw and felt the spirit of the Petit girls right there, amid all of that new life and growth.

I needed to see this again today.