Apr 23, 2009
Apr 20, 2009
Columbine demonstration at Capitol

Today is the 10th anniversery of the horrible Columbine crimes.
A group of friends and family members of the victims killed that day chose to demonstrate today on the steps of the states capitol in a very dramatic - and sobering fashion. One by one, thirteen people, each wrapped in blue and white ribbon, laid themselves down on the pavement, arranging themselves as spokes on a wheel - Each body symbolizing 13 lives lost to senseless gun violence ten years ago today at Columbine High School.
The demonstration was two-fold - it served as both memorial and protest for what is percieved by its participants as Government and public complacency regarding stricter Gun Control.
The father of one of the slain children, Daniel Mauser said it all when he was asked why he
chose today to make a political statement about this "tragedy".
"I would just say, 'Why wouldn't we do this today?'" Mauser said. "...We have become desensitized. We shake our heads and say, 'What a shame,' but we don't do very much about it."
'We don't do very much about it.'
And therein lies the rub. When anniversaries of awful happenings like this come around, I think that at the very least as a people we need to ask ourselves ' what lessons have we garnered from this... ? What actions have we taken towards insuring that this doesn't happen again?
Today a group of still-bereaved family and friends of 13 Columbine victims answered
"Not enough." They cite an attitude of complacency regarding stricter gun control both within the community as well as the State Government.
The link below leads to a very good article about the many whys behind the Columbine shootings. Be forwarned that it delves into the disturbed minds and souls of the two young men that visited terror and carnage upon their own peers'. And while I do not wish to in any way sensationalize them or their acts, I do feel that it's imperative that we all become more aware of the signs and symptoms of the personality disorders that lay just behind violent crimes such as this one. www.slate.com/id/2099203/
Apr 19, 2009
Apr 10, 2009
Apr 3, 2009
Judiciary Committee Pushes To Abolish Death Penalty in Connecticut
Late Tuesday afternoon, the Connecticut Judiciary Committee voted on whether or not to support a bill that would abolish the death penalty in our state. The largely democratic committee voted 24-13 in favor of supporting this bill. The house, along with the Senate will now decide whether or not the state of Connecticut replaces Capital punishment with a sentence of life imprisonment with no parole in its stead.
A major issue cropping up within this whole discussion has been the lengthy appeals process, which is currently mandatory with all state D.P cases. Legislators claim that the appeals process is too costly and time consumptive, and thus their reasoning follows, if we take the death penalty off the table, the state will save a lot of money.
Besides being completely inappropriate, this kind of reasoning, whereby money is the main consideration rather than the tremendous moral and social issues involved, is also inaccurate and very misleading; Within these discussions no one seems to be factoring in the many costs involved in the periphery of such decisions. One such example would be the money spent on the prosecution and often -state-financed defense of the violent crimes that will surely be a result of abolishment. It's only common sense that criminals are afraid of the prospect of being put to death much more than they are of being relegated to prison for "life" no matter how far in their future that death sentence looms.
An example of these aforementioned hidden costs is apparent within the Petit family murders: These July 2007 murders have been languishing in our courts for nearly two years with no sign of a trial in sight. Ironically enough, the state of Connecticut is absorbing the cost of both prosecution and defense of the two defendants accused of these murders, as well as a year and a half of special guards to protect them from the prison population and the general public (The latter during their court appearances) Not to mention 16 months of 24 hr guards for a suicide watch on one of the two defendants who is already in solitary confinement for his "own protection"
Add to this the cost of housing, food, medical/ dental care (same defendant is reportedly on daily anti-anxiety medication and pain killers) And the total sum becomes astronomical.
Our legislators have never mentioned, nor perhaps even considered these costs but they have many times over cited the costs involved with the prosecutors decision to pursue capital punishment in the case, oft times pointing out how much money would be saved if the state would pursue life with no parole instead.
As is often the situation with death penalty cases both defendant's attorneys have stated public ally that the state could avoid a lengthy and costly trial and the subsequent appeal process if they hadn't so stubbornly insisted on the death penalty for this case. They hint that they would be amenable to pleading guilty without a trial, saving the state millions and the victims family years of drawn out criminal process.... if only the state dropped the death penalty from the table.
The problem with this type of reasoning, (besides the fact that it is succumbing to what amounts to emotional and financial blackmail,) is this: If the death penalty were indeed no longer a consideration, then life with no parole would be the most severe sentence for any capital crime and thus any attorney worth his salt is automatically going to push for the next less severe sentence for his/her client - In this case that would be life with a chance of parole.
And since so many of the legislators and anti-DP activists are prone to pointing out the emotional hardships that the Death penalty causes the family of crime victims -( via having to live thru years of appeals and the repeated testimony and details of the crimes committed against their loved ones,) they should think about the inevitable fact that many of these same murder cases will result in life with possibility of parole, thereby sentencing the victims family to a lifetime of fighting against parole every few years for the criminal that killed their loved one.
The expression 'give an inch take a mile'comes to mind.
If you'll recall, the state cut both of the Petit murderers loose from their already more- than- liberal prison sentences, just prior to their committing the Petit family rapes and murders -Why.....? In order to save money.
Saving Money was behind the decision to parole the two repeat offenders with little to none of their criminal files on hand, and without seeing or speaking to the inmates themselves.
The prosecutors office had been refusing to pay for the copying costs involved with sending complete files for each criminal for many years and as such, besides the occasional futile complaint the parole board had been reluctantly "making do".albeit with some grumbling.
The consensus seems to be that had the Parole board been made privy to at least the court transcripts of one of the defendants sentencing hearings, that young man would have never been paroled. The Petit murders would never have happened.
The state put both men in halfway houses after less than a third of their sentences were served; In the end, a nine year sentence that was given by the judge presiding over Joshua komisarjevsky's cases became two and a half years actually served behind bars. Besides the glaring lack of judicial and commonsense involved - our state's money-saving efforts ultimately cost them millions and The Petit and Hawke families a life-time of grief and pain.
Surely all of these costs should be tallied into the overall equation by our Appropriations Committee as they consider the price tag of being "too tough on crime. "
The house and Senate will vote next on this bill, thanks to the Judiciary Committees Tuesday vote, which in effect brought the bill forward to the house. We must let our legislators know that we do not wish to live in a State where there is little to no deterrence for committing rape and murder. Many repeat offenders are non-plussed at the prospect of a "life sentence" - Many who commit, or would commit- capital crimes like murder have been in and out of prison their entire lives. They are not likely to think twice about taking a life if the worst that can happen - the worst - is life within the prison community.
And prison is just that, a community-of sorts. A veritable sub-culture existing mostly unseen and un pondered by the general public. It provides its inhabitants with such diversions as Cable TV, use of computers, and exercise and weight rooms. In some Connecticut Prisons, inmates may have Paid jobs that are provided by the prison which in turn provide pocket money, which can then be used to curry favors from willing C'Os, and to purchase illicit drugs, all of which as you might imagine, help make the incarceration experience that much more palatable.
Movies, gyms, paid work and in some cases, conjugal- visits. Yes, some inmates actually start families while they are in prison serving time for crimes like murder via such conjugal visits. Unlike their victims, whose lives were snuffed out cruelly, they can wed, sire children and visit with their children and the rest of their families. They can even earn degrees if they wish-- It 'helps to pass the time', according to some inmates.
The bottom line is that if this this becomes the worst fate that lies ahead for a would - be murderer, to use the typical antiseptic verbiage - the state of Connecticut will likely have an "influx of violent crime" In real life this translates into more people being brutalized, terrorized, raped and murdered. More family members grieving, more suffering with the Post trauma that comes from the personal knowledge of such violent ends. What all of this will equate to in human suffering is far beyond anything the members of the Connecticut Judiciary Committee ever contemplated.
We have also been hearing the tired lament that 'the state of Connecticut doesn't execute anyone anyway, so why not simply abolish the Death penalty?' In fact, Co-chairman of the Ct Judiciary committee Mike Lawlor( D East Haven) recently referred to the death penalty as"a fraud of public policy" during a talk with the media. He was no doubt referring to the fact that only two murderers in fifty years have actually been put to death here and one of them had to actually sue the state in order to get executed in a more timely fashion. His name Michael Ross, he was a serial rapist and killer of women and teenage girls.
Mr Ross apparently wished to be accountable for the many lives he had taken and the many others he had destroyed, this revelation came after hearing testimony from the family members of his many victims. Through Connecticut's absurd automatic appeals process and the last minute intervention of a local judge, Ross's execution was repeatedly delayed and de-railed until finally, 25 years after his crimes, he was put to death via lethal injection - a rather humane way to end a life comparatively.
If we do use Mr Lawlors logic regarding the Death Penalty being a "fraud of public policy" it should follow that we would get rid of most of the current Judicial system in Connecticut - clearly the parole board was a fraud of public policy for a good many years and yet that is still intact. (albeit with some changes after lax parole standards were exposed "post Cheshire." )
Why trials themselves could be considered a fraud of public policy considering about 97 percent of Connecticut's criminal cases are adjudicated via plea "deals" every year, meaning no trial . Our state prosecutors so rarely go to trial that the odds are stacked against them when they DO due to this inexperience. This of course only adds to the courthouse climate of avoiding a trial at all costs, even though it means settling with reduced and/or dropped charges against a defendant, not because he didn't commit the crimes, nor because the state hasn't adequate evidence, but rather because we'll save effort and money by offering that deal.
These deals not only leave the victims invalidated, they leave the criminal in question with an inaccurate criminal record that does not reflect how dangerous he is, never mind a much less severe sentence that perpetually compromise public safety.
Twelve inmates or so are currently on Connecticut's "death row", a true misnomer as within our current system it will be approximately twenty years before most are actually put to death, if they are not successful with one of their many appeals. While it is clear that the run amok appeals process needs to change, this does not translate to the need for getting rid of the entire system. Connecticut's prosecutors and Judges are clearly very discerning in seeking the Death Penalty, as well they should be, but part of the extremely serious decision of whether to pursue it in a capital murder case shouldn't include the assertion that its too costly and cumbersome, so why bother?
We need to do the more difficult thing and ameliorate the problems that have become inherent with the application of our state's death penalty system. Connecticut's chief prosecutor Kevin Kane feels strongly that this can be achieved. Our lawmakers must be utterly sensible and unflaggingly honest about the issues surrounding this issue. There is no place within this discussion for politics and yet the death penalty debate seems fraught with those trying to use it as a platform to further personal and partisan agendas.
A fair and sound appeals process helps keep our courts in check when such a serious sentence is involved, but when that appeals process is hijacked and threatens to swallow the very system it protects, then its time to re-vamp..
I hear so many people say .." in theory, I am against the death penalty... but in "this case" or
for "heinous crimes like this one, I believe it's only" just" or fair or"necessary". If we are truly honest as a people, we realize that this then means that we believe in the death penalty: To be certain, we believe in the need for its existence, the option to render it forth for just such crimes as the ones that lead us to make these moral exceptions.
Support bill -H.B. No. 6705 Conn. Residents
Dear concerned Connecticut residents,
The link above brings you to on extremely important proposed crime bill ( HB 6705 )
It needs to reach the pending legislative session in order to be a voted on, and it is in danger of not getting in front of them for another year, as it now sits at the mercy of The Connecticut Judiciary Committee.
The bill proposes reform measures for our states habeas corpus writ, which in its present form is unfortunately serving as a vehicle for unscrupulous defense attorneys and violent criminals alike to abuse our current appeals process. Used mostly as a stalling tactic of sorts, it can drag out the resolution of violent crime cases and the imposition of sentencing.
This bill for habeus is also an important step in reforming our states death penalty, which is rarely if ever actually used, partly because of the abuse of habeas corpus. Like many well intentioned writs, habeas was designed to protect the basic rights of those wrongly accused of a crime, but as it is currently written, it has since become a loophole for murderers and rapists to manipulate our courts and stead off their sentences indefinitely. It also clogs up the courts and costs the state and the taxpayers a good deal of money in the process.
Please read up on this reform bill ASAP and email the judiciary committee and/ your local Representative in the legislature,-this includes your town's selectman, assemblyman, and area Senators-(You can look them up online if you're not certain who they are; (every town has one or two reps on the general assembly) Please tell them that you support the bill and ask them to vote on the bill in the immediate upcoming session.
This is one of those bills that really affects the people of this state, and and it can ease a great deal of suffering on behalf of crime victims and their families.
It is time to take back our judicial system, too many lives have been lost due to Connecticut court's many inefficiencies.,And many more lives destroyed by a terrible lack of justice for murdered and victimized loved ones.
Let us bring some peace to those who already have suffered so much, by helping impose a reasonable and timely resolution of thier loved ones murder cases.
CSAO: Judiciary Committee - March 26, 2009 - H.B. No. 6705
The link above brings you to on extremely important proposed crime bill ( HB 6705 )
It needs to reach the pending legislative session in order to be a voted on, and it is in danger of not getting in front of them for another year, as it now sits at the mercy of The Connecticut Judiciary Committee.
The bill proposes reform measures for our states habeas corpus writ, which in its present form is unfortunately serving as a vehicle for unscrupulous defense attorneys and violent criminals alike to abuse our current appeals process. Used mostly as a stalling tactic of sorts, it can drag out the resolution of violent crime cases and the imposition of sentencing.
This bill for habeus is also an important step in reforming our states death penalty, which is rarely if ever actually used, partly because of the abuse of habeas corpus. Like many well intentioned writs, habeas was designed to protect the basic rights of those wrongly accused of a crime, but as it is currently written, it has since become a loophole for murderers and rapists to manipulate our courts and stead off their sentences indefinitely. It also clogs up the courts and costs the state and the taxpayers a good deal of money in the process.
Please read up on this reform bill ASAP and email the judiciary committee and/ your local Representative in the legislature,-this includes your town's selectman, assemblyman, and area Senators-(You can look them up online if you're not certain who they are; (every town has one or two reps on the general assembly) Please tell them that you support the bill and ask them to vote on the bill in the immediate upcoming session.
This is one of those bills that really affects the people of this state, and and it can ease a great deal of suffering on behalf of crime victims and their families.
It is time to take back our judicial system, too many lives have been lost due to Connecticut court's many inefficiencies.,And many more lives destroyed by a terrible lack of justice for murdered and victimized loved ones.
Let us bring some peace to those who already have suffered so much, by helping impose a reasonable and timely resolution of thier loved ones murder cases.
CSAO: Judiciary Committee - March 26, 2009 - H.B. No. 6705
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